Currently unavailable but on display
Available Photos: | High-Res | Clump Shot | Standard |
| TYLER'S COVETall. A superstar! One of the most commented on and sought after cultivars at our nursery! This large flower is yellow with a burgundy eye and chartreuse throat. A great rebloomer! Puts on a fabulous show when blooming at clump strength! Widely branched. Up to 5-way branching; 30 buds. Extremely vigorous and is an outstanding parent for beautiful and robust seedlings! Reblooms into the very late bloom season for us. Fragrant. (A PIANO MAN kid.) See the Standard image to see the high bud count & the High-Res or Clump shot to see an amazing clump shot with massive blooms!. Again, an outstanding parent! Fertile both ways. It is the pod parent for 5 of my introductions which are JUST FOR LINDA, LOFTY IDEALS, LOFTY TREASURE, START OF SUMMER, and TYLER'S CHOICE. Currently unavailable but on display |