Roycroft SELECT seedlings
We are again offering our modern hybrid Roycroft SELECT unnamed SEEDLINGS - the best crop ever!

Our pots of 1st year blooming seedlings are always the best sellers at our nursery! People are thrilled to be able to purchase these modern hybrids - each unique - at such low prices! Approximately 75% of these are large-flowered tetraploid seedlings which first bloomed last summer. Most - especially the eyed and edged cultivars - would have been introduced 1-5 years ago. But now they are too similar to other newer and costly introductions, from me and others, to register. The majority of the parents used in these crosses perform well from zones 3-9!

All of the seedlings represented in these seven photos of display centerpieces will be sold as well as some others of equal quality which we just did not have time to display and photograph. You may order from one to three of these and each will be different; more than three may incur duplications. These long-blooming SELECT SEEDLINGS will all be of blooming size.

Roycroft SELECT seedlings |
Roycroft SUPER GIANT seedlings
These blooming sized seedlings are the very best that we bloomed and grew out of the crosses of the SUPER RED seedlings with other tall and large flowered cultivars. (SUPER REDS are offspring from TOM WISE x POINT OF VIEW. SUPER REDS will not be offered again as the SUPER GIANT seedlings are even superior to them!)

Nursery visitors will recall that these seedlings were located in three gallon pots behind the nursery building and were loaded with seed pods. Everyone who saw them could not believe how robust and stunning they were and wanted to know if and when they would be for sale. One customer suggested that we call them "Super Giants", thus the name.
These seedlings are large flowered and tall with primarily red colored flowers of various shades and shapes which hold up very well even in full sun! Most are spider variants or unusual forms. The pots are unlabeled so we cannot pick specific colors to ship to you. But, you can be assured that each seedling will be vigorous, large flowered, and tall. Each is extremely fertile, both ways, and I think that you'll find them to be excellent parents for tall and large flowered tetraploid spiders, spider variants, and unusual forms!
You may order from one to three of these and each will be different; more than three may incur duplications. These long-blooming SUPER GIANT Seedlings will all be of blooming size.
Roycroft DOUBLE FLOWERED seedlings
Many nursery visitors have requested that we offer our double flowered diploid seedlings for sale. We have listened to them so here they are! We have been amazed by their quality and beauty plus they all rebloom for us! Most are either yellow, gold, orange, peach, or cream in color. Bloom diameters mostly range from 4" to 6".
You may order from one to three of these seedlings and each will be different; more than three may incur duplications. These beautiful DOUBLE seedlings will all be of blooming size.

Roycroft WHITE seedlings
Many requests have been made for us to offer our near-white seedlings for sale and we heard you! Accordingly, we are offering a limited # for sale. All of these are out of FORSYTH SUMMER SNOW and are white and very fertile. Most of the diameters are in the 5" range with heights in the 25-29" range. All rebloom for us.
You may order from one to three of these seedlings and each will be different; more than three will incur duplications. These outstanding seedlings will all be of blooming size.

Roycroft GIANT ORANGE seedlings
At the request of customers we are adding our stock of large giant orange seedlings to our offerings. All are of of blooming size and have the cultivars POINT OF VIEW and TOM WISE in their lineage. Most of the blooms are 6"-7" in diameter and the scapes are over 30" tall for us. Bob's giant and extremely popular introductions, DAVID PARKER and MEGAN'S MOONFIRE, were selected from this group. These seedlings have good branching and bud count, and, are fertile both ways. You may order from one to three of these and each will be different; more than three may incur duplications.

Roycroft UFO seedlings
Requests have been made for us to offer our UFO (unusual form) seedlings for sale so we're now doing so. (A few actually meet the measurements to be classified as Spider form daylilies.) The parents of these seedlings are UFO and Spider flower formed cultivars which we grow here at nursery such as 'Garden Presence', 'High Stakes', 'Jan's Twister', 'North Wind Dancer', 'Peppermint Cream Swirl', 'Skinwalker', 'Tall Ships', 'Trahlyta', and 'Up The Ante'. Hybridizers-- most of these seedlings are fertile both ways. You may order from one to three of these seedlings and each will be different; more than three may incur duplications.