Frequently Asked Questions
When should I plant daylilies?
You will need to make sure that you specify a shipping date in Spring after the danger of frost so that the plants may begin immediate growth after you plant.
We also recommend that your Fall plantings occur at least 1 1/2 months before your first frost so that roots may become firmly established before the arrival of cold weather. Hot climates, especially, should not plant in periods of extremely high temperatures.
What is a fan?
When looking at our price list, "1 fan" is a single fan (one plant) growing on a root system. "2 fans" is a double fan (two plants) growing on the same root system.

1 or single fan

2 or double fan
What is a diploid and a tetraploid?
Basically, a diploid has 22 chromosones and a tetraploid has 44 chromosones. Hybridizers cross diploids with diploids, and tetraploids with tetraploids in order to produce seed.
What is a rebloomer?
Rebloomers put up more than one set of scapes, or bloomstalks, each year. One set may be followed by other sets; or they may follow after rest period. All of the cultivars we offer rebloom for us here in our lower zone 8 climate.
What do I do with the foliage during the fall and winter months?
Nothing! Dormant foliage types will die down on their own. Evergreens will stay above ground during the winter months and may appear burned (brown) after freezing temperatures. You can trim the "burned" foliage for aesthetic purposes but it's not necessary.